Own water treatment plant. 100 cubic metre back-up tank with supply for a minimum of 3 days. We have a compressor plan for all cold rooms and freezers linked to a heat/gas exchanger for producing hot water. Air conditioning and ventilation systems are interlinked to produce more hot water. All rooms have individual temperature settings except for Production which is set to a maximum of 16c. We Have 3 independent generators totaling a capacity of 2.6 Giga Watt.
Highly secure environment fitted with state-of-the-art security equipment. Biometric finger-print access to secure areas, and CCTV monitoring of both internal and external facilities.
•AIC has its own Security Department headed by a Security Officer. •All staffs are given basic security awareness training at their induction followed by annual refresher programs. •All staffs are subjected to stringent pre-employment security checks and Operations ramp staff has to get clearance from the Ethiopian National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) prior to employment. •Upon entering AIC premises all staff and visitors have to go through a security check including a walk-through metal detector and manual security checks. In addition visitors are also subjected to clear any belongings through a security x-ray machine. •All AIC suppliers meet necessary security requirements and all goods delivered are subjected to inspection and x-ray screening before being accepted into Main Stores. •The catering facility is covered by Close Circuit Cameras which is monitored by AIC Security 24/7. •We have a well documented security system in place with biometric finger scans/access control for staff entry into the unit. In addition the staff access is controlled within the unit in several security zones. •The catering facility is located with direct access to airside of the airport and has complete perimeter fencing. There is no direct access from landside of the catering facility to airside. The only access is through a gate which is locked and controlled by AIC Security on a 24/7 basis. •The landside and airside security gates are manned and controlled by AIC Security staff 24/7. •All Airline equipment (meal trolleys and containers) are sealed and secured on the loading bay before being loaded in hi-lifts. Before loading a flight in the hi-lift there is a security check conducted by AIC Airline Representative handling the flight for prohibited articles and the hi-lift too is thoroughly checked. •Seal numbers of meal trolleys and containers are reflected in the “Final Search Documentation” format which is handed over to Airport Security for inspection before loading respective flights on the ramp. The front, side and rear doors of the hi-lift are sealed and secured before leaving the unit for the airport. The seal numbers of the front, side and rear doors of hi-lift are also reflected in the “Final Search Documentation” format. •All staffs handling a flight are subjected to manual security checks by Airport Security personnel on the jet-way before entering aircraft.
Waste disposal managed by sealed vacuum waste disposal system from each area to a sealed container in a chilled area. All sewage is sent to an eco-friendly plant that converts waste water to clean which is used on our gardens.
Ample storage refrigerators and freezers which are computer controlled. Dry food product and airline equipment is stored separately with pallet and de-mountable shelving all controlled by a computerized inventory management system linked to production.

The kitchen and bakery are fitted with all the very latest and efficient cooking and baking equipment capable of producing the highest quality of fresh food and bakery products. AIC is purpose designed & built with a smooth traffic flow that supports the different steps from Stores & Receiving all the way through Dispatch and Delivery. There are no counter flows in the entire production process. AIC houses a modern and well equipped Laundry section and the entire facility is backed up with three power generator at 890 KW each. The facility has a total of 24 walk-in chillers and 4 freezers throughout its operational areas. The facility is equipped with ENVAC vacuum garbage disposal system and a garbage compactor for maximum hygiene and sanitation. The catering unit is located at airside, adjacent to taxi/runway, approximately 2 kilometers, (3-5 minutes), to the international ramp passenger terminal. Designated 24 hour bonded stores available with individual cages for each airline. Bonded stores cold room available as well as facilities for Bar exchange.

We have invested in 9 Mercedes Hi-loaders with Dole uplift systems which enable us to meet all the current capacity requirements of Addis International Airport and aircraft. Hi-lifts are aligned on designated Loading Bay and hi-lift refrigeration is plugged on three hours prior to loading flight. The hi-lifts are loaded as per galley plan layout and equipment evenly distributed to secure a level hi-lift. All trolleys and carriers are secured with belts to prevent movement while en-route to and from unit to aircraft. Two hi-lifts will be used for catering – one for FC & BC galleys and one for EY galley. Each hi-lift is manned by Driver/Loaders and an Airline Representative; the entire flight operation is supervised by Duty Manager. The hi-lift is marshaled and aligned to designated aircraft door. The catering team will offload all soiled equipment trolleys, containers and miscellaneous equipment as per Galley Loading Plan and a fresh set of equipment trolleys, containers and miscellaneous equipment will be loaded in respective galleys as per Galley Loading Plan. The Airline Representative briefs the Crew about catering service including passenger load, meal service, meal choices, SPML’s, locations and hands over Flight Checklist. After flight handling, the hi-lift returns to the unit and all equipment is offloaded in the offloading bay cold holding room. All garbage is disposed off in the vacuum garbage disposal/compactor system and all waste trolleys are cleaned and disinfected. The entire flight is processed through the dish washing system with separate trolley washing machine and all equipment is stored in designated float area. Inventory of the entire flight is taken as per airline requirement.

Two large conveyor flight dishwashers as well as an airline cart washer clean and sterilize all off-loaded items to the highest standard of hygiene.

Our dispatch area has adequate bays for delivery, flight off-load and uplift and we have a fleet of Mercedes / Dole Hi-loaders that are fully equipped with freezers.